Night Flight’s frontman and songwriter Samuel Holmes channels the feeling of being lost, of not understanding your own actions and direction in life, and how often we look to forces outside of ourselves for an explanation. As Holmes explains, ‘God Knows’ is "A song centred on the lust and isolation of chasing a dream, with an air of playful flippancy and circumstantial irony attached.” This inner turmoil comes as a chugging guitar line, fluttering vocal pitches, and breezy percussion from a five-piece who clearly owe their inspiration to a wealth of musical eras and scenes. The band claim a plethora of influences - from Nick Drake to John Martyn, Jeff Buckley to The Beatles. Although the song drifts from one style to the next, it’s a seamless transition that comes back to Holmes’s relatable frustration, “God knows what the hell I’m supposed to do / God knows what I'm trying to prove,” each repetition has its own subtle change in tone or exaggerated meaning. ‘God Knows’ is a mighty-yet-humble introduction to Night Flight’s next EP, Carousel, out on July 20th. - Hannah Thacker
